Looking for parts? We have common K-12 device parts and whole units for sale from our overstock/obsolete inventory.
Lexicon Tech Solutions 25+ Years Logo

Chromebooks, Windows, & Apple Student Device Repair

Lexicon has built a reputation on fast turn times (average turn time for student device repair during a school year is 5.5 days) and repairs done right the first time. Our repair rate for SY 2021/2022 was 99.97%. That means for every 4,000 student devices we repaired, only one was returned requiring additional repair.

Lexicon Assists Districts Impacted by Staymobile Bankruptcy

The announcement that Staymobile–the Kennesaw, Georgia based student device repair company–has permanently closed its doors and filed for bankruptcy has left some districts scrambling to ensure their students are not left without working devices for the remainder of this school year and the start of next.