Looking for parts? We have common K-12 device parts and whole units for sale from our overstock/obsolete inventory.
of all school district device serial numbers including spare pool.
with leading asset management providers – no need to learn a new system!
Simple interface with no lengthy damage justifications required.
Limit access to information based on role assignment.
with easy-to-read reports on average turn times and failure rates by model, component, and school.
of your device pool means you’ll know exactly where your devices are – repair, QA, or transit. You’ll never lose track of a device again!
We track spares available and in-use at each school then automatically reprioritize repairs and deliveries.
Weekly review of your break/fix analytics to identify breakage patterns and suggest improvements that could save you time and repeat repairs.
These are a few of the reports available. Looking for something else? We can create custom reports for your district.