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WEBINAR – Developing a Unified Classroom Ecosystem: Device Management, Connectivity, and Student Safety
Join CDW Education and a panel of industry-leading partners to explore cutting-edge technology that can transform your district’s digital landscape.
Maximizing Device Coverage: Pairing OEM Warranty with Lexicon’s Unlimited ADP
What’s the difference between OEM Warranty and Accidental Damage Protection (ADP)? We break it down for you along with how to ensure you have the correct coverage.
Lexicon Tech Solutions Appoints Felicia Zorn as New Vice President of Customer Success
Lexicon Tech Solutions, a national leader in device repair and management solutions for K-12 districts, today announced the appointment of Felicia Zorn as Vice President of Customer Success.
The Crucial Role of Insurance-Backed ADP in K-12 Device Protection
This article delves into why insurance-backed ADP is not just an option but a necessity for K-12 device protection, exploring the facets of risk management and operational excellence that distinguish the most effective strategies.
EdTech Magazine: “How Break/Fix Programs Maintain One-to-One Computing Success”
Lexicon Tech Solutions CEO Josh King spoke with CDW’s EdTech Magazine to lay out how K-12 schools can best support their 1:1 programs, including in-house programs and break/fix services.
IT Asset Disposition for Schools: What You Need to Know
ITAD is about getting rid of old or unwanted devices in a way that’s safe and environmentally friendly. Instead of wiping data and throwing away old computers, ITAD uses careful steps to make sure all data is completely gone.
blog archives
WEBINAR – Developing a Unified Classroom Ecosystem: Device Management, Connectivity, and Student Safety
Join CDW Education and a panel of industry-leading partners to explore cutting-edge technology that can transform your district’s digital landscape.
Maximizing Device Coverage: Pairing OEM Warranty with Lexicon’s Unlimited ADP
What’s the difference between OEM Warranty and Accidental Damage Protection (ADP)? We break it down for you along with how to ensure you have the correct coverage.
Lexicon Tech Solutions Appoints Felicia Zorn as New Vice President of Customer Success
Lexicon Tech Solutions, a national leader in device repair and management solutions for K-12 districts, today announced the appointment of Felicia Zorn as Vice President of Customer Success.
The Crucial Role of Insurance-Backed ADP in K-12 Device Protection
This article delves into why insurance-backed ADP is not just an option but a necessity for K-12 device protection, exploring the facets of risk management and operational excellence that distinguish the most effective strategies.
EdTech Magazine: “How Break/Fix Programs Maintain One-to-One Computing Success”
Lexicon Tech Solutions CEO Josh King spoke with CDW’s EdTech Magazine to lay out how K-12 schools can best support their 1:1 programs, including in-house programs and break/fix services.
IT Asset Disposition for Schools: What You Need to Know
ITAD is about getting rid of old or unwanted devices in a way that’s safe and environmentally friendly. Instead of wiping data and throwing away old computers, ITAD uses careful steps to make sure all data is completely gone.