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CASE STUDY: Overcoming Main Logic Board Challenges in Clayton County Schools

Students Technology E-learning Education Study School Concept

CLAYTON county PUBLIC schools (CCPS) district profile


Location: North Central Georgia
Cities: Jonesboro, Riverdale, Morrow, Forest Park, Lovejoy
Population: 296,564

Clayton County Public Schools Logo


Student Population: 52,186
Faculty: 3,382
Schools: 67 (35 Elementary, 14 Middle, 9 High, 3 Non-traditional, 6 Other)


Lexicon Tech Solutions encountered a significant number of devices in Clayton County Public Schools experiencing power failures or main logic board damage. With 1,329 devices at risk of being deemed “beyond economical repair” (BER), there was a potential loss of $247,357 worth of value.


Lexicon embarked on a comprehensive investigation to address the main logic board failures. Extensive efforts were made to communicate with the OEM to understand the root cause of the issue. A dedicated Lexicon Rework Team invested over 500 hours in identifying the cause and finding a viable solution. Simultaneously, Lexicon’s Global Supply Chain worked tirelessly to source parts that were previously exhausted due to the widespread failure.


Lexicon repair technicians validated a recurring issue with the manufacturer and successfully identified a cost-effective supplier for entire units and main logic boards. Working with CCPS, Lexicon diagnosed, repaired, or replaced all units, opting to repair as many units as possible rather than label BER.


Despite the challenges posed by the continuous main logic board failures, Lexicon’s proactive approach prevented 1,329 devices from being categorized as BER. This not only preserved valuable resources for Clayton County but by prioritizing repair over replacement whenever possible, Lexicon ensured that Clayton County’s devices remained operational, thus enhancing the overall educational experience for students.


“It’s never just about solving a problem; this project helped us to refine our processes and optimize our tech departments, ensuring more efficient repair handling tailored to the specific difficulty level of each task. This exemplifies our commitment to flexibility, adaptability, and continuous improvement in serving our partner districts.”

– David Word, COO, Lexicon Tech Solutions

students break devices. we fix them.