Lexicon as a company oozes customer service. I’ve never seen it’s match. We can call or email with any question and it’s always immediately addressed. The whole culture is very much, “We’ll take care of it.”
Mike Robbins, Heard County School System Director of Technology
Heard County is located in the west central part of Georgia. The county is a rural 301 square miles, home to approximately 12,000 people. The Heard County School District consists of five schools – three elementary schools, one middle school, and one high school. Total student population is approximately 2,111 students.
Mike Robbins has been the Director of Technology for the school system for 13 years. The school had been 1:1 for grades 3-12, and recently went 1:1 for K-12. We spoke with Mike and Technical Specialist Tiffany Mixon about their experience with the Lexicon AlwaysLearning® ADP program.
How did you find Lexicon? How long have you used AlwaysLearning?
MR: We’ve been with you now for going on five years. Lexicon was actually suggested to us by Dell. They said, “Hey, we’ve worked with these guys and think you could benefit from their services.” We’re a small team stretched thin with just three of us, so we decided to give it a try.
Tell us about year one with the program.
TM: (Laughs) We bought Chromebooks in three batches that first year. The first time Lexicon did a deployment for us, we double-checked everything behind them.
MR: And to their credit, the Lexicon team stayed with us for hours and hours while we did it, helping us check serial numbers and asset tags.
TM: Then after that first batch, we realized you all knew exactly what you were doing and we didn’t need to follow-up. Now we just kind of wave you in like, “Hey–just set everything down over there.”
What do you find to be the greatest benefit of AlwaysLearning?
MR: We’re stretched thin with teacher computers, the network, and more. Having AlwaysLearning frees up our time so we can actually do our jobs. We’re not bogged down with repairs.
TM: Without Lexicon, we’d have to try and anticipate the volume of repairs and how many parts and spares to keep on hand. First of all, there’s no way we can know all that. Second, we don’t have the room to keep parts on hand even if we could make a guess. And third, the repair time with Lexicon is super quick. Everything about the process is thought through to make things as simple and easy as possible for us on this end. That’s what we appreciate about it.
What would you tell other districts, especially smaller districts, about the decision to use Lexicon?
TM: My first question to them would be, “Why would you not use Lexicon??” The ease of service is amazing. We use our media specialists to check damaged Chromebooks out and repaired ones in. Lexicon gives us everything we need – we put the repair in the system and we have the boxes, the shipping labels… they even provided the tape. It literally couldn’t be any easier.
MR: Lexicon as a company oozes customer service. I’ve never seen it’s match. The Lexicon team is always–always– available to us. We can call or email with any question and it’s always immediately addressed. The thing I like is that it’s a happy response. The whole culture is very much, “We’ll take care of it.” It truly is white-glove service.